MaFengWo (马蜂窝) is the leading travel & leisure platform in China. Initially they started as a platform to share information about travel but went to establish as OTA later. Users on the platform share their journeys, travel tips, itineraries, recommendations, and feedback with other users on the platform. Over 700,000 long-form content created every month, 10 Million short form and total daily data generated excess 3 TB. MaFengWo provides content for every aspect of travellers journey – before, during & after.

Content Marketing:
As MaFengWo prides on long-form content, the focus for them is on providing detailed long-form content marketing to brands & agencies.
Travel Guide:
The travel guide is usually an in-depth guide that provides richer travel references. This is usually written by professional MFW editors. Topics usually can be a themed reference to travelling around the destination. Professionally organized content usually included an introduction to scenic spots and experiences
Travel Notes:
Short content to inspire travel interests.
Record travel experience by picture/short video, share travel mood.

KOL Travel Blog:
Work with top KOL to write destination-specific experience. KOLs are usually travel experts & enthusiasts, followed by a huge number of MFW users. Their High-quality travel blog will usually influence the other users’ travel decisions.
Travel Blog usually contains an aggregation of information, it aims to inspire users & offer practical references.

Mini Website:
Elegant microsite developed within MFW. Various content can be used to create a complete interactive site. Existing travel notes, travel guides, POI products, videos & banners can be used.
In Additional to long-form content, advertisers can also run traditional banner or video ads on CPT or CPM basis.

For more detailed information about MaFengWo, please contact us.