China SearchMax
What is beyond search marketing in China? CSEO or Content Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a unique way to drive organic traffic beyond traditional online marketing activities. With our pool of micro-influencers, news portal syndication, complex proprietary in-house algorithms we ensure high visibility on the first page of search results organically.
Evolution of China SEO

Search influence is smaller when deciding on product purchase

SEO Agency China
A holistic approach to managing customer acquisition & retention via search powered strategies as your china SEO agency. Our approach builds on traditional SEO & includes more advanced strategies including App Stoe Optimization (ASO), Social Search Optimization (SSO), E-Commerce Search Optimization (ESO), Content Search Engine Optimization (CSEO), viral word of mouth amplification, reputation management and more.

China SEO Agency - Suite of Solutions
On-Page SEO
Carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of the website and Baidu SEO keyword research, improve the traffic and ranking of the website through the China search engine marketing of the overall structure, so as to enhance the brand awareness, and bring more conversion and orders.

Application Search - ASO
App ecosystem in China is very complicated with each mobile manufacturer having its own stores. Our proprietary app store optimization methodology improves ranking, visible homepage display resulting in cheaper CPI.
Social Search Optimization
SSO optimization provides comprehensive social media search exposure, reputation & influencer marketing. Make corporate brands and products more widely known through evaluations, Q & A, 3rd party recommendations during social media search. Platforms include WeChat, Weibo, XHS, Zhihu.

E-Commerce Search Optimization
Create a healthy brand consumption ecosystem through a combination of content guide, keyword search, KOL review & channel distribution. Constantly enrich the user reach path, activate future consumption growth points and accurately target the high demand users.
Content Search Engine Optimization
Powerful Search Engine Optimization on Brand Content Marketing. Commission, & post articles by KOL; Write advertorials & Publish news articles. Optimise the content via proprietary algorithms to appear on top search results across multiple platforms such as Baidu.