Two years back, on 20th April 2018, our company was started in Singapore.
We started from a very humble beginning as an outpost for a China DSP, in the past couple of years we have grown leaps & bounds to building our own capabilities with strong partnerships across China digital ecosystem; and jointly developed our own solutions and technology.
Ever since we did a management buyout in late 2019, we have built several new innovative solutions -
DSP – A self-service programmatic platform for those with expertise and experience in managing their own campaigns in China.
Trading Desk – A self-service trading platform connected to major bidding platforms like GDT, etc.
China Data Bank™ – a new joint venture with OctoplusMedia for data solutions that is focused on providing right data solutions to all advertisers and without the overhead of complex data requirements stipulated by China Government. Initial partners for the venture include the likes of Alibaba Unidesk, Tencent Marketing, Getui, China Unicom, UnionPay, JD, etc. Read more here

We are not stoping here, we continue to build several solutions both inside and outside China. A marquee product we are working on is a China-focused product sales solution deeply integrated into the WeChat system, this will help new entrants and medium size companies not currently in China to sell their wares effectively & efficiently.
Another solution we are working on is Global Trading Desk - a global performance marketing solution focused on solutions outside of China. Working with an innovative American technology partner we will be providing solutions to both our existing clients and new ones alike, keep a lookout, we will be announcing soon!
All this would not have been possible without our amazing team, our core value is PEOPLE and without the 1-to-1 relationship & trust they have built with our agency partners, advertisers, vendors we would not be where we are today. And finally a huge THANK-YOU to all our clients and vendors, looking forward to 2 more and a lot!